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The truth about postpartum hair loss

Losing hair after welcoming a new baby is quite normal. New moms experience excessive hair loss 4 – 6 years after their baby has been born. You’d notice that you are starting to lose your hair at an alarming rate – what dermatologists call “excessive hair shedding.” It's all about the hormone game – first pregnancy hormones and the multivitamins that make your hair all bouncy and lustrous, and then the sudden drop in the estrogen level that causes hair shedding.  

Why Does Postpartum Hair Loss Happen? 

Human hair grows in a cycle; growing phase, resting phase, and shedding phase. This cycle repeats for lifetime. Your hair stays in the growing phase during pregnancy, because your body is going through a huge hormone change. 

When your baby arrives and you are getting back to normal, the growing phase ends after a certain period and then starts the shedding period. This causes your healthy hair to shed at a significant speed. You may suddenly start seeing a lot of hair on your bath floor or around the corner of your room. 

When will postpartum hair shedding end? 

Considering your health, if all your bloodwork is normal and there are no thyroid or iron deficiency issues, and you are taking a healthy diet, your hair should get back to normal in 6 – 24 weeks (about 5 and a half months) since it started.  

When to Be Concerned About Postpartum Hair Loss? 

You should be concerned about your hair if your hair doesn’t get back to normal after a year. If you don't see any hair regrowth in 6 – 24 weeks (about 5 and a half months), you would want to visit a doctor to see if there's an underlying condition that you’re unknowingly so you can work on it and get your healthy hair back.  

Dealing with Postpartum Hair Loss 

If you have tried everything but are still desperately looking for a solution, try a new hair cut like layers to give a more voluminous look or a new colour, change your center hair part to a side part, and try moisturizing products like a hair oil treatment, or a silky mousse to give you the fullness you are looking for.