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Common hair myths you probably still believe

Many people are often in the dilemma of what to believe and what not to do when it comes to their hair. What really makes hair grow, fall out, or look healthy, has many myths that have been around for a long time. Today, we are tossing those beliefs and rules out the window.

Stress causes gray hair:

There’s no scientific proof that stress can cause gray hair. Getting gray hair is genetic or aging. As you age your hair decreases producing melanin (the natural skin pigment) responsible for the color of your hair. However, severe stress can cause your hair to fall out.

Trimming grows your hair faster:

One of the most believed myths is that trimming hair every month boosts hair growth. This is not true as your hair starts growing from the roots and not from the ends. Although trimming your hair can eliminate split ends, making your mane look healthier.

100 strokes a day:

Brushing your hair causes friction, pulls out hair that isn’t ready to fall out, breaks healthy hair, and scratches the scalp. Although it helps blood circulation and detangles your hair, overdoing it can cause damage. 100 strokes a day is a myth that causes thinning. Brush gently —not to stimulate the scalp.

Pluck one gray hair, two more takes its place:

Plucking gray hair can cause an increase in the amount of gray hair, is a common myth we still believe. Although it’s not true, it is best to stop plucking any hair because it can lead to hair thinning or put a stop to regrowing hair on that spot altogether.

 Hair gets used to shampoo:

We usually stick to the same shampoo because we think our hair gets used to the shampoo we have been using for a while. Your shampoo may not be doing its job because your hair may have changed, grown or been damaged.  You can change your shampoo as your hair changes.

2-in-1 shampoo, and conditioner is the best

A separate, post-shampoo moisturizing, nourishing, hydrating conditioner is an essential part of your healthy hair regimen. Use it to detangle wet hair to save you from breakage, and for a healthy, fuller look. Don’t use a 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner combo!

Dandruff signifies a dry scalp

It’s caused by a yeast that thrives in an oily environment. Use a medicated shampoo i.e., anti-dandruff shampoo.

Remember, sharing is caring, so don’t be afraid to share your knowledge of myths next time you hear it from someone.