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10 Bad Hair Habits to Stop

If you are constantly worried about hair loss, know that it can happen for a variety of reasons, some of which are hereditary thinning, alopecia, cancer treatments, stress, and menopause, etc. However, there are certain things you can be mindful of.

  1. Over-washing strips our hair and scalp of all the essential oils that keep it healthy and beautiful. On the other hand, washing them too much can result in serious adverse effects. The build-up of dirt, dust, and added oils in our hair will cause the pores of the scalp to clog.
  2. Overdoing chemicals like relaxers, smoothening, or straightening, can result in permanent issues like hair fall, hair loss and hair damage.
  3. Wringing and squeezing with a towel or using heat to dry hair can worsen split ends and breakage. Cotton towels tend to be rough on hair.
  4. Wet hair is more prone to breakage due to shower-induced elasticity. Wait for your hair to dry naturally a little and then use a wide-toothed comb or brush to detangle your hair.
  5. Tying hair in skull-hugging updos only escalates the chance of breakage and a receding hairline.
  6. When conditioning your hair, it is important to avoid your roots. Conditioners cause blockages in the pores of the scalp. Shampoo should only be used to clean your scalp from unwanted dust or dirt.
  7. Using an old or dirty hairbrush only tends to increase the chance of filling your hair and scalp with unwanted dust particles and bacteria.
  8. Not avoiding sun exposure makes hair weak and prone to hair loss as UV rays target the hair protein and increase free radical damage,
  9. Sleeping on cotton pillowcases causes friction in your hair. Sleeping on silk allows your hair to gently glide on the fabric which means no hair loss, dryness, or dizziness.
  10. Not having enough protein in your diet is bad for both your health and your hair. Consuming a diet that lacks nutrients such as vitamins can cause hair loss and thinning.
Though our hair is already dead, there are always ways to keep it looking alive by making only a few changes in your everyday hair care routine like wearing a hat outside and being mindful of products and treatments that make your hair curly, straight, change its color.